5 Common Misconceptions about Ingrown Toenails You Must Know!

5 Common Misconceptions about Ingrown Toenails You Must Know!

5 Common Misconceptions about Ingrown Toenails You Must Know! Foot problems are a common issue that many people experience. However, not all foot problems are given the attention they deserve. One such condition is an ingrown toenail. There are a lot of common misconceptions surrounding ingrown toenails that we hear from patients. These misconceptions can…

Five Common Causes for Ingrown Toenails

Five Common Causes for Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are very common and, in some cases, very painful. The big toe is typically affected by this condition. An ingrown toenail is when the side of a toenail pierces into the tender skin of the toe, causing extreme discomfort, swelling, irritation, and occasionally, resulting in an infection. Ingrown toenails can heal by using…