What is that dot or cluster of dots on the bottom of your foot? You may have a plantar wart, which can be painful when touched. The discomfort can be worse while standing or walking. Plantar warts get their name from the location of their discovery: the plantar aspect or the bottom of your foot. So, what’s the test for a diagnosis? The doctors at the New Jersey Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons Group are here to help.
How can you spot the problem?
These growths are usually the size of a pencil eraser. However, they can be larger – almost two inches wide. If they are in clusters, look for pinpoints that look like black seeds. To the touch, they can feel like a rough new growth on your foot, including under your toes.
What’s the cause?
Human papillomaviruses are the cause of warts. In response, the top layer of skin grows very fast to create contagious growth. The risk of exposure increases by having contact with someone or something that has been in contact with the virus.
Can you reduce your risk for warts?
- Keep your feet covered, clean, and dry – especially in public places that provide warm, moist environments. Locker rooms, gyms, pools, etc., are examples of trouble spots.
- Don’t share shower shoes, towels, razors, or other hygiene items.
- If you have open cuts, keep them clean and covered. Don’t make it easy for the virus to enter your body.
At the New Jersey Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons Group, there are almost 30 foot and ankle surgeons, podiatrists, and doctors. With more than 30 locations, from Newark, NJ, to Cape May, NJ, we value convenience and excellent service for our patients. We offer compassionate, cutting-edge care across our network, and we specialize in treating the following conditions: ankle and sports injuries, heel pain and plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammertoes, corns and calluses, ingrown toenails, diabetic foot care complications, children’s foot problems, skin conditions of the feet, and fungal nails. Our group is among the best foot and ankle providers in the country. To schedule an appointment, first find a podiatrist in your area.