Sports Injuries of the Feet and Ankles: Expert Care Is Key

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Playing sports can be hard on your feet and knees as they bear the brunt of each step, jump, and run. These unsung heroes work tirelessly, and when they’re hurt, they need superhero-level help from a podiatrist pronto!

That’s where our team comes in. As one of the leading foot and ankle providers in the country, our board-certified podiatrists specialize in all aspects of sports medicine for the feet and ankles. With a deep understanding of the human foot, our experts can find their way around the complicated world of ligaments, tendons, and bones, which lets us provide accurate assessments and the right care to help athletes get back on their feet.

Understanding the Mechanics

Athletes often get ankle sprains, which are more than just random injuries. A podiatrist does more than treat injuries. We also create individualized therapy plans that help heal injuries and protect against the risk of instability so athletes can return to the field stronger than before.

Many different foot and ankle injuries can keep you on the sidelines, such as fractures, broken or dislocated bones, Achilles tendonitis, sprains, turf toe, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and heel spurs.

Your podiatrist can help spot stress fractures, which are often small but painful. In addition to fixing the fractures, these experts look into what caused them in the first place, looking closely at things like training methods and shoe choices. This all-around method not only fixes the cracks but also strengthens the physical base, which lowers the risk of more fractures.

Preventative Podiatry

If you have a sports-related foot injury, there are many treatment options available. Our podiatrists also work to keep people from having problems in the future. Through biomechanics tests and walking analysis, they can give information that helps keep people from getting hurt. Recommendations for shoes and specific workouts protect athletes from possible dangers as they continue to strive for greatness.

Because the bones, ligaments, and muscles in the feet and legs work together so intricately, they need special care, especially when they are hurt while playing sports. With their focused expertise and all-around approach, our team of podiatrists looks out for the health and safety of athletes, making sure that they not only recover from injuries but also continue to do well in their chosen activities. Getting skilled podiatric care isn’t just a way to get better; it’s also a way to ensure you stay competitive in sports in the future.

At New Jersey Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons Group, there are almost 30 foot and ankle surgeons, podiatrists, and doctors. With more than 30 locations, from Newark, NJ, to Cape May, NJ, we value convenience and excellent service for our patients. We offer compassionate, cutting-edge care across our network, and we are here to address all your foot concerns. Our group is among the best foot and ankle providers in the country. To schedule an appointment, first find a podiatrist in your area.